are you stressed that you are missing that tiny window while your kids grow up?  Keep reading...

I collected my last paycheck in 2008 when I chose family over my 12 year corporate career.

Four months later I was able to retire my wife so she could stay at home with our children. This was two months before our first child was born.

I made good money; but I also made lots of mistakes in those early years.  Eventually I bottlenecked my own company and almost lost everything in the process.

Refusing to give up I dug deep and became obsessed with the ins-and-outs of business success. Through this all I never lost sight of why I left corporate in 2008 - my family.

Along the way I joined my first mastermind and WOW, what a game changer!  I couldn’t believe what I had been missing for so many years.

Honestly I felt like an idiot for wasting so much time and money learning everything the hard way.  Instantly I felt the calling to impact and empower many, many entrepreneurs with families.

It hit me like a ton of bricks and I knew that one day I’d run my own mastermind academy; to teach other entrepreneurs how to create businesses built around their families and lifestyle.

When my book hit #1 Bestseller the calls started flooding in and the same story kept repeating over and over.

I realized that I wasn’t the only one who felt guilty when I was working that I wasn’t around my family.  I also realized that I wasn’t the only one who felt guilty that I wasn’t working when I was around my family.

In effect I was trapped in a never ending hamster wheel of entrepreneurship struggle and stress just like thousands and thousands of other entrepreneurs with families.

I knew the time was now. So I created The 10 Factor Elite Mastermind Academy with you in mind.

If you get accepted into my Academy you are going to get everything I’ve got. The wins, the losses, the lessons… What works and more importantly what doesn’t work.

Don’t worry, I’ve been doing this for many years. I’m not going to play the games many of the influencers are playing to take your money. In The 10 Factor you will FOCUS ON RESULTS.

Like Mark Lack, founder of Shorten the Gap & host of Business Rockstars says about The 10 Factor,

    “With this blueprint you can take your business to new levels while at the same time freeing up your most valuable asset -- your time.”

I know you have a family to provide for and won’t tell you to go get a one bedroom apartment and sleep on the floor, and I’m not going to tell you to eat baked potatoes for a month and work 100 hours every week.

Many entrepreneurs have either time and money (or neither) but very few have both. This makes it impossible to have a successful business and maintain a family oriented lifestyle.

In The 10 Factor you will learn how to build a business that doesn’t sacrifice your lifestyle.

It’s my job to teach you the skills and strategies to build an awesome business for the long term while not missing out on that short term window of time while your kids are growing up.


  •  Like minded entrepreneurs - This is an INVITATION ONLY, PAID ACADEMY
  •  Instant access to my paid, private community
  •  My mentorship
  •  My time (something I value incredibly)
  •  Private mentorship interviews and trainings
  •  Interactive member only mastermind calls
  •  Instant upgrade to your circle of influence
  •  Collaboration opportunities with other elite members
  •  ... and much more!

In case you didn’t get this already. This academy is invitation only and I reserve the right to un-invite members at my discretion.
I’m excited for your interest and look forward to learning more about you. By applying to this offer you are consenting a member of my team to reach out to see if you are a good fit for The 10 Factor Elite Mastermind Academy and if the academy is a good fit for you.

And like I tell the kids I coach in youth sports before every game - HAVE FUN!

To your success,


“I read this book while simultaneously starting a new business. When I started my first business I did not have a system or plan, and found myself a year into the business, going back and doing most of the items in this book out of necessity, Had I had this book then, it would have saved me from wasting an entire year.”

- Kim Gateb, Amazon Verified Purchase Reader Review
Tim has the roadmap ...
Austin Netzley
Austin Netzley // Best Selling Author & CEO of 2X

"Tim has the roadmap. It's proven to work, simplified to not overwhelm you and will help you get the momentum you need to be a big success."

- Austin Netzley

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